mengapa arteri berbeda dari vena ?


Apa itu vena? apa itu arteri? Pasti yang ada di pikiran sobat arteri (membawa darah Dari jantung) sedangkan vena (membawa darah menuju jantung) bukankah itu pelajaran saat kita sd? Yap benar sekali. Contoh jelasnya bisa di katakan bahwa seperti kendaraan bus yang menuju ke pusat terminal hingga kembali ke tempat semula. Apa anda paham? Sebenarnya admin juga kurang begitu yakin sama jawaban sendiri hehe… tapi di maklumi saja ya. sama’’ belajar, atau kata gaulnya flashback. Hehe :D baiklah dari pada basa basi ngawur ndak jelas mending langsung aj.

Berbagai macam pertanyaan seputar kesehatan nah kali ini saya akan menjawab pertanyaan dari seorang teman yang sempat bertanya kepada saya. Bro, mengapa arteri berbeda dari vena?

arteri dan vena

tidak ada sistem transportasi dalam kota manapun yang dapat di bandingkan demikian baiknya dengan sistem peredaran darah dalam badan kita. Bila kamu dapat membayangkan dua buah sistem pipa, yang satu besar dan satu kecil, namun keduamya bertemu di stasiun pompa air atau appalah, kamu akan mempunyai ide mengenai sistem peredaran darah .pipa yang lebih kecil beranjak dari jantung ke paru’’ dan kembali lagi, sedangkan yang lebih besar  beranjak dari jantung ke berbagai bagian dari tubuh. Semua pipa ini di sebut arteri, vena, dan kapiler.

Arteri adalah pembuluh yang membawa darah menjauhi jantung. Dalam vena, darah kembali ke jantung. Dalam istilah umum, arteri membawa darah bersih ke berbagai bagian tubuh, sedangkan vena membawa kembali darah yang penuh dengan produk sampah (kotor) sampai  ke stasiun pompa yaitu jantung.

Arteri terletak sangat jauh  di dalam jaringan, kecuali di pergelangan tangan, di pelipis, di punggung kaki, dan sepanjang sisi luar leher. Di tempat-tempat ini denyut  dapat terasa, yang memberikan ide kepada dokter mengenai kondisi arteri. Darah dalam arteri berwarna merah cerah dan bergerak mengikuti pola semburan-semburan pendek, Vena terletak ;ebih dekat dengan permukaan kulit, dan darah di dalamnya berwarna jauh lebih gelap dan mengalir lebih merata. Di bagian dalam vena terdapat katup dalam jarak tertentu.

Sekian dulu ya untuk sobat yang setia membaca hingga akhir, thks

Mengapa Darah Kita berwarna Merah?


Semua orang tahu kalau warna darah secara umum berwarna merah pekat dan sebagian orang ada mengatakan bahwa dirinya golongan darah biru? Haha walaupun tergolong darah biru tetapi bila luka tetap saja warna darahnya merah bukan?
Mengapa darah kita berwarna merah?

darah manusia

Darah yang mengalir keseluruh tubuh kita banyak mengandung material dan sel yang berbeda. Setiap bagian dari darah mempunyai tugas khusus untuk dilakukan.bagian yang cair dari darah kita di sebut dengan plasma dan jumlahnya sedikit lebih banyak dari separuh darah. Warnarnya kuning muda dan lebih kental dari air kaarena banyak senyawaa yang larut di dalamnya. Senyawa ini, antara lain, adalah protein,antibodi yang melawan penyakit, fibrinogen yang membantu darah membeku, garam, karbohidrat, dan, lemak, di samping sel-sel darah itu sendiri.

Sel-sel darah merah di sebut juga korpusel darah merah, membuat darah berwarna merah.jumlah sel darah  di dalam darah demikian banyak sehingga darah terlihat  berwarna merah. Di dalam badan kita seluruhnya terdapat  sekitar 35 triliun sel yang berbentuk cakram pipih, membulat, berukuran kecil.

ganbar sel-sel darah

Ketika sel darah merah muda tumbuh dan menjadi dewasa dalam sumsum tulang, sel ini kehilangan inti sel (nukleus) dan semakin lama membentuk hemoglobin semakin banyak. Hemoglobin adalah pigmen atau warna merah. Umur sel-sel darah merah hanya sekitar 4 bulan dan kemudian diuraikan, sebagian besar terjadi dalam limpa. Sel-sel darah merah baru selalu dibentuk untuk menggantikan sel-sel yang sudah haus dan di hancurkan.

Terimakasi atas perhatianya sukma  J

the beauty of the island of Bali which makes you amazed

bali island

1. Various forms of diversity and beauty of Bali

Bali is often called the island is an island that is not known until the end of the world. Bali is famous for its natural beauty possessed. Bali Island, which is part of the Lesser Sunda Islands Denpasar large and Asia located at 8 ° S and 115 ° E. The area also has teropis climate, as well as other parts of Indonesia.
Bali Provincial Geographical borders the province of East Java, Bali Strait in the west, in the north of the Bali Sea, the Indian Ocean in the south, and the Straits of Lombok to the east.
Places frequented other cities Denpasar itself as the art center of Ubud, located in Gianyar dishes on the island. In Kuta, Sanur, Nusa Dua Beach, and a few places that the tourists as the tourist and the beach is just a place for tourists to relax.
Tribe on the island of Bali is divided into two parts, the original Bali Aga Bali, most of them living in the area claim. Then the royal tribe or descendants Mojopahit Bali Hindu Majapahit. Balinese culture, one might say, the typical or very original, because they support the ancestral culture and not under the influence of culture.

2. The beauty of bali

a. religion
Many of Hindu Bali has about 95% of the total population found in Bali, while 5% of them are Muslims, Christianity, Catholicism and Confucianism.
Hindu life goals to achieve balance and peace in your life, both physically and spiritually. Hindus believe in the existence of one God in Trinity-concept form, the form of Brahma (the creator), Vishnu form (guards and bodyguards), and the form of Shiva (the destroyer). Hindu place of worship, which is found in the so-called Bali Pura Pura spacious home Balinese Hindu community in various forms, depending on the economic situation in the community. As a place to worship their ancestors called Prop. Comes from the Hindu Vedic India.
Balinese Hindu community who have died will be held sanggat cremation is considered essential to the spirit of free people who have died from the earthly to the heavenly obligation. Cremation cremation became common in Bali. Hindu Festival is the implementation in the New Year celebration of Nyepi in the first 10 months (kedasa), but Galungan, Kuningan, Saras Wati, the actual Landep, and Shiva Ratri. Many tourists both domestic and foreign tourists to visit Bali to see or even participate in a religious ceremony for the feast of the Hindus in Bali.

b. public organizations
• society
There are associations of people living that includes a sense of Balinese villages and indigenous peoples of the Department of Rural Development (administration). Two is a Union territory, but their home village with religious or customary, when unity village officials
• kinship
indigenous peoples, who settled in Bali after being married affect family relationships within the community. There are two types of traditional and others, often apply in Bali, as a rule, tend to justify virilokal newlyweds settled in around the middle of the relatives of her husband, and indeed the original neolocal decisive couples live alone putting a new location. The population of Bali, there are people who are called Banjar columns, each of which has a head as Banjar Kelihan. Banjar led by another train, commissioned on all matters in the field of social and religious life, but sometimes banjo also have to solve problems that include indigenous land issues, as well as matters of government.
• Marriage
The number of people leads to patrilineal lineage Bali. class system, which would seriously affect the marriage, since women are more classes, who married the following classes would not be justified deviations that would bring shame to the family and put all the girls Prestige class.
And in some parts of Bali, as well as the rules, the filing of a dowry (petuku tears), but now mainly in the families of those who study, culture is more to do.
administration. Activity focused on certain areas of traditional villages and religious ceremonies, when this village is officially headquartered in administration, management and development.

c. art
Bali can not be separated from one another by a variety of art. In fact, some people who live in Bali making art, such as sculpture, painting, dance and drama and music.
The art of dance culture in Bali are usually divided into three categories, including dance or guardian who has just revealed the sacred event, bebali or dancing, usually for ceremonial and often on display to welcome visitors who come to Bali and balihan balih- or dance for entertainment. One type of dance in Bali and is very popular for tourists is the Kecak and Barong.
Type of traditional Balinese music really has to do with traditional music in many other areas in Indonesia. However, there are some locations feature play equipment in the form of Kecak. village art imitating singing voice, which is purported to be. Balinese traditional musical instruments in a smooth, Jegog and Genggong.

d. language
Most of Bali and the Indonesian language, but the majority of Balinese people are bilingual or trilingual. English third foreign language is the key to the Balinese influenced by the needs of the tourism industry. Bali is divided into two parts, namely, the language spoken more harshly Bali Aga mainly used angry, and Bali is the lingua franca pronunciation Mojopahit both Brahmins, who Ksatrian and Vaishya.

e. typical food
So many special products which have been found on the island of Bali, Bali products tend to use a variety of spices for cooking, so the flavor seasoning mix is ​​felt when we tasted the food of the original Bali. Each area in Bali are fed a special Badung traditional nyamakanan example, there jejeruk chicken, satay chicken, shredded grass Lawar and Ares. Denpasar own that meets the sand, Nasi Campur Bali and many more.

e. The traditional house in Bali
traditional house in the Balinese philosophy of the application itself Bali. There are three aspects that need to be implemented, aspect (the human inhabitants of the house), thinning (location and environment) and Parahyangan. They believe that the dynamics of development will be achieved in the implementation of a harmonious relationship between the three aspects. For the construction of the house Bali should include these aspects or the so-called Tri Hita Karana.
As a rule, buildings or traditional Balinese architecture is always filled with trinkets, which are used for decoration carved with contrasting colors and nature. Moreover, as a side dish, they also define and interpret it as an expression of gratitude to the Creator, and ritual symbols, such as sculpture.
Development generally Balinese skies separate building lots of small parts in one area, adjoined by a fence that surrounds it. Along the development era began to replace the building was no longer separated.
Bali has a distinctive architecture, resulting from tradition, faith and spiritual activities of Bali is manifested in various forms of physical buildings there. At home, the temple is a sacred place of Hindus, Banjar or the meeting room and much more.

What is toxic shock syndrome?

What is toxic shock syndrome?

toxic shock syndrome

What is toxic shock syndrome?
A rare form of sepsis, bacterial toxins harmful diseases caused by toxic shock syndrome. The cause of this syndrome is a group A- streptococci often, but Staphylococcus aureus toxic
The disease is associated with the use of level / pad for menstrual tampons. In addition, because many manufacturers have menstrual toxic shock syndrome fell below market levels by dragging women tampon product.
toxic shock syndrome often do?
Both men and women can cause, suffer from skin and lung toxic shock syndrome caused by neck and spinal damage or infection. Women are more susceptible to infections during the menstrual period. To reduce the risk factors that may limit the disease. Please consult your doctor for more information.
Signs and symptoms

symptoms of toxic shock syndrome

What are the signs and symptoms of toxic shock syndrome?
Symptoms Staphylococcus aureus, (usually up to 39 ° C), sudden fever, chills, muscle aches, vomiting, diarrhea, thirst, tachycardia, rash, skin irritation, such as muscle weakness, headache, dizziness, including hypotension.
Symptoms of strep toxic shock syndrome as well, beating and breathing, dizziness, weakness flicker occurs is difficult to breathe. Wound infection, can become red and swollen kidneys and liver dysfunction.
Some symptoms such as symptoms may not appear at the top. If you feel uncomfortable about these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
Do I need my doctor?
This syndrome is important to remember that this is due to a life threatening addiction. Please contact your doctor if:
• Probably as soon as the symptoms of toxic shock syndrome is treatable and fatal exceptions, very rapid growth
• V-shaped wound infections
• While fever and rash behavior, especially during menstruation, tampon use, or recent experience in
What is the cause of toxic shock syndrome?
StaphylococApcus aureus bacteria, the cause is. Syndrome, membrane and tampons, use of contraceptive sponge, is associated with birth control.
The second form of scratches, friction, herpes, chicken pox, and how the body through broken skin caused by streptococcus bacteria maturation, after surgery or due to the input current.
These risk factors
What increases the risk of toxic shock syndrome?
In other words, there are several factors that increase the risk of toxic shock syndrome.
• wounds and burns
• Thesis
• Use a sponge, diaphragm or absorbent pads
Such as flu or chickenpox, • viral infection
Drag and constraints
This information can not replace medical advice for him. You should consult your doctor.
What is the preferred treatment for toxic shock syndrome?
early diagnosis and treatment at the hospital is very important. It is often a complication of kidney failure, including the hands and feet of some separation, loss of hair and nails, congestive heart failure and respiratory failure.
Doctor, intravenous fluids and antibiotics will be available to patients in the hospital. Respiratory disease may require oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation. washer, may be useful in renal kidney disease.
The disease does not attack healthy body, we have to live on a regular basis. That's all, thanks.
Has passed since the initial risk, the patient can control the symptoms of the required amount has, however, still possible antibiotic treatment at home. This slow relaxation and daily activities again is the most important. We drank a lot of water trapped in a balanced and nutritional value, balanced diet.
Each test is often done to toxic shock syndrome?

The history of the doctor, the symptoms. To diagnose the disease in which the blood test and the actual test, however, a single test that can not be diagnosed in a total syndrome. To find an infection, it is necessary to provide blood and urine samples. Samples to be analyzed are likely to shoot in the cervix.
toxic shock syndrome can be subject to CT for example, due to find that you run ,,, doctor examine various organs broad spread of disease, X-ray or other liquids is influenced by the period of life.
Nursing homes
Changes in lifestyle and home remedies that can be done to deal with toxic shock syndrome?
lifestyle and home relief, you can solve the toxic shock syndrome, such as:
• Frequent changes as tampons / pads
• Take proper dosage of antibiotics
• Wash hands thoroughly before inserting tampons. bacterial skin, especially the hands
• Toxic shock syndrome, please note that there is a possibility of relapse. infected patients can take each other on
If you have any questions, please contact the optimal solution to the problem with your doctor.

Should we live with regularly so that the disease can not attack our bodies healthy. Hopefully this article helpful. thank you

Ingin tubuh sehat? Berikut ini tips menjaga kesehatan tubuh anda.

Ingin tubuh sehat? Berikut ini tips menjaga kesehatan tubuh anda.

Siapa yg tak ingin hidup sehat? Tentu saja semua orang mengginginkan hidup yg sehat nah berikut ini tips saya untuk anda lakukan.


  • 1.   Bila anda ingin hidup sehat maka lakukanlah dengan cara berfikir positif. Dikarenakan di dalam tubuh yang sehat terdapat pikiran yang tenang dan sehat juga. maka selalu usahakan untuk berfikiran positif terhadap masalah yang sedang menerpa kehidupan anda.karena setiap permasalahan pasti ada kunci untuk jalan keluarnya.
  • 2. ,Kecapean dikarenakan banyak aktifitas yan menyebabkan menurunya daya tahan tubbuh anda.sehingga dengan cara mengistirahatkan tubuh anda adalah solusi yang sangat tepat untuk menghilangkan rasa capek-capek tersebut.
  • 3.   Istirahat yang cukup juga sangat penting dalam kehidupan.maka dari pada itu saya sarankan anda untuk mengistirahatkan tubuh anda dalam hal iini tidur cukup dan berkualitas bagi tubuh.
  • 4.    Setiap pagi sesaat baru bangun tidur sebaiknya anda melakukan olahraga untuk perengangan otot pada tubuh anda.
  • 5.  Yang terpenting yaitu makan makanan yang berserat tiap harinya. contohnya apel, wortel, kacang-kacangan, dll fungsi dari makanan yg berserat yaitu untuk membasmi bakteri- bakteri yang hinggap pada tubuh.
  • 6.    Selalu memastikan makanan yang akan ada makan sudah higienis atau sudah di cuci hingga bersih dan di masak dengan matang yang sempurna.
  • 7.   Penuhi kebutuhan cairan yang di perlukan tubuh.dalam hal ini air putih yang menyehatkan. Dengan minum 8 gelas air putih dapat membuat kondisi tubuh kita menjadi stabil sedia kala.

Tips untuk menjaga kesehatan kulit anda

Bukan hanya kesehatan tubuh yang telah kita lakukan dengan 7 cara di atas. namun dengan mejaga kesehatan tubuh bagian luar tepatnya pada kulit, dapat menimbulkan ketertarikan pada diri anda. ingin memiliki wajah yang kinclong mulus? Mari simak ulasan tips merawat kulit di bawah ini.


PERTAMA, anda hanya perlu melindungi kulit anda dari paparan/sinar matahari yang berlebih.
Bukanya tidak  boleh akan tetapi pilihlah waktu untuk berjemur di sinar matahari contohnya berjemur di saat  pagi hari sekitar pukul 07.00 – 10.00 WIB di karenakan berjemur sekitaran jam tersebut sangat baik untuk kesehatan tubuh baik dalam maupun luar (kulit). Akan tetapi jika sudah tengah hari, teriknya sinar UV bisa membakar kulit anda jika terlalu lama membiarkan kulit terpapar di sinar matahari tanpa memakai perlindungan. Atau bisa sarankan memakai hand body  agar kulit anda terawat dengan baik. Atau juga bila anda memiliki aktifitas  di luar ruangan dimana kulit secara langsung terpaparkan oleh sinar matahari.

KEDUA, jika anda memiliki jerawat sebaiknya jangan menyentuh atau memencet secara langsung.
Untuk kulit pada bagian wajah , kita harus lebih peka terhadap perlindungan nya sebab kulit wajah adalah penampilan utama sobat. Jadi jika anda memiliki jerawat maka sebaiknya anda tidak usil untuk menyentuh apalagi untuk  memencetnya secara langsung. Kenapa? Ya tentu saja dengan memegang dan memencet jerawat dapat mempengaruhi kulit wajah anda, bagaimana saat anda menyetuh jerawat ? apakah tangan anda sudah bersih? Dengan menyentuh jerawat anda pikir tangan anda sudah bersih akan tetapi masih banyak bakteri  atau kuman yang masih menempel pada  telapak tangan anda, kenapa tidak boleh memencet jerawat? Tentu sja dengan memencet jerawat akan menimbulkan bekas dan cara untuk menghilangkanya cukup sulit.

Bagaimana sobat? Apakah mudah merawat kesehatan tubuh bagian dalam maupun bagian luar? Terimakasih atas partisipasinya ya mas broo hehe :D

this is the history of smartphones

this time I will discuss the early history of the first smartphone Appeared until now. smartphone was not born a few years ago, but has already started about twenty years ago. smart phone or smartphone is a phone that has the ability to use and features that resemble computer. There are standard factory smartphone Determine meaning. For some people, a smartphone is a phone that works using the entire operating system software that Provides normal and important report for the development of applications. For others, a smartphone is simply a phone that has features such as e-mail (electronic mail), the Internet and the ability to read electronic books (e-book) forward, or there is a keyboard (or as finished or related exit ) and a VGA connector. In other words, the smartphone is a small computer that has phone capabilities.
The growth in demand will be a powerful tool that is easy to carry everywhere makes major advances in processor, screens and operating systems Several outside phone line for years. This is the story of the year on year smartphone:

1. Simon (1992)

The first smartphone created is Simon; designed by IBM in 1992 and shown at Comdex, a computer expo in Las Vegas, Nevada.Smartphone marketed to the public in 1993 and sold by BellSouth. Not just a cell phone, smartphone 'Simon' also has a calendar, address book, world clock, notepad, e-mail, the ability to send and receive faxes, and games. Simon is the first generation smartphone that does not have a button alias using the touch-screen concept. Although now, Simon is a low-level product, but its features are very advanced at the time.

2. Nokia 9000 (1996)

Then Nokia Communicator, which is the first Nokia smart phones. Starting with the Nokia 9000 smartphone in 1996. It is the result of merger activity PDA models made by Hewlett Packard and considering the success of the Nokia mobile phone top-selling at the time. The next generation is the Nokia 9210 Communicator is the first color sailing and also a real smart phone that uses the operating system. However, even if the Nokia 9210 can be considered the first true smartphone operating system, Nokia continued to refer to it as a communicator.

3. Palm OS Treo (2001)

In this year released a smart phone Handspring Treo Palm OS, with full keyboard combined with a wireless roaming network, e-mail, calendar, and regulators list, with third-party applications that can be downloaded or synced with a computer.

4. RIM BlackBerry (2002)

RIM BlackBerry in the first mengeluakan this year, which is the first smart phone with wireless email usage is maximized and users has reached 8,000,000 (until June 2007), seventy-five percent of users in South America.

5. Microsoft (2002)

In the same year Microsoft also announced the Windows CE OS computer bag crowned as "Microsoft Windows Powered Smartphone 2002", which is now known as Windows Phone.

6. Nokia N-series (2005)

In this year he published the N series of Nokia 3G smart phones sold not as phones like Nokia products before, but as multimedia computers.

7. Android (2008)

OS for smartphones in 2008, output is powered by Google Android, along with businessmen from hardware and other software leaders such as Intel, HTC, ARM, Motorola and eBay, which then formed the Open Handset Alliance.
The first phone that uses the Android operating system is the HTC Dream, keluran trademarks of T-Mobile as the G1. a full-featured phone, full touch screen, QWERTY keyboard and trackball for navigating web pages. Software is compatible with Google applications such as Maps, Calendar, and Gmail as well as Google Chrome Lite. Third-party applications are also available through the Android Market, there are free or for a fee.

8. Apple (2008)

Mid-year Apple App Store to promote free applications and fees. App Store can provide smart phones developed by third parties directly from an iPhone or iPod Touch with a Wi-Fi or cellular network without using a computer to download. App Store has been a success for Apple, and in June 2009 there were more than 50,000 existing applications. App Store surpassed one million downloads the application on April 23, 2009.

hence the popularity of Apple's App Store has gone up, and many are making their own app stores. Like Palm, Microsoft and Nokia have announced similar to the Apple application store. RIM's application store has also recently created the BlackBerry App World. And until now, many smartphones-smartphone which develops new super-sophisticated output.

So the discussion of articles History Smartphone (Smartphone) This can be useful for you all, if there is additional you write in the comments. We are sorry if there are words that are incomplete due to the limited human capacity, hehehe.

Garuda wisnu kencana (GWK)


Taman Budaya Garuda Wisnu Kencana atau disingkat GWK adalah sebuah taman wisata di bagian selatan pulau Bali. Taman wisata ini terletak di tanjung Nusa DuaKabupaten Badung, kira-kira 40 kilometer di sebelah selatan Denpasaribu kota provinsi Bali. Di areal taman budaya ini, direncanakan akan didirikan sebuah landmark atau maskot Bali, yakni patung berukuran raksasa Dewa Wisnu yang sedang menunggangi tunggangannya, Garuda, setinggi 120 meter.Area Taman Budaya Garuda Wisnu Kencana berada di ketinggian 146 meter di atas permukaan tanah atau 263 meter di atas permukaan laut.

patung dewa wisnu (gwk)

Patung ini cukup megah dan dibangun dilahan seluas 240 hektar. Ditempat ini juga dibangun banyak fasilitas seperti amphitheater, kolam ikan, teater jalanan, festival kebun, toko cinderamata, ruang pameran, dan juga restoran. Dan tujuan mulia dibalik pembangunan taman budaya ini yakni untuk menjadi sarana pendidikan bagi masyarakat dan juga generasi muda sebagai penerus.

    Pertunjukan Wisata
kesenian malam GWK

Di taman ini berbagai pertunjukkan kesenian dengan bintang-bintang dunia pernah diselenggarakan. Juga termasuk didalamnya acara pembukan dan penutupan ajang perlombaan internasional yang diikuti banyak sekali atlit dari berbagai macam negara. Ajang tersebut merupakan ajang yang bergengsi bagi Indonesia sebagai negara maritim terbesar di dunia.


Garuda Wisnu Kencana dibangun diatas dataran tinggi berbatu kapur. Dari tempat ini pengunjung bisa menyaksikan berbagai panorama keindahan alam di sekitar kawasan selatan Bali dimana berlatar belakang pemandangan alam yang sangat memukau. Berbagai keindahan itu bisa dinikmati dengan nyaman dan terbuka karena memang tempat itu berada di ketinggian yang bisa melihat kemanapun yang diinginkan.

Patung Dewa Wisnu

Pembuatan patung Dewa Wisnu, konon, diinspirasi oleh kisah Adi Parwa dalam episosde Garuda tentang rasa bakti dan pengorbanan Burung Garuda untuk menyelamatkan ibunya dari perbudakan. Maka Garuda kemudian mengabdi kepada Dewa Wisnu dan bersedia untuk dijadikan kendaraanya yang akhirnya dilindungi oleh Dewa Wisnu.


Selanjutnya patung ini diharapkan bisa merangsang keseimbangan antara skala dan niskala atau dunia nyata dan tidak nyata sehingga harmonisasi alam dapat tercipta. Patung Garuda Wisnu Kencana adalah simbol misi penyelamatan lingkungan dan penyelamatan dunia. Taman budaya ini juga untuk mendidik masyarakat, khususnya generasi muda agar ikut melestarikan warisan budaya bangsa.
bagaimana bila patung GARUDA WISNU KENCANA  sudah selesai? wah pastinya sangat bagus . lokasinya pun sangat cocok untuk sobat yang hoby fotographer .jadi jika sobat ke bali saya sarankan sobat ke sini. karena suasananya itu loo mantap buat agan" yang baru pertama kali datang ke bali. top deh buat patung garuda wisnu kencana.

Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot adalah salah satu obyek wisata terkenal di pulau Bali yang wajib dikunjungi. Terletak di Desa Beraban, Kecamatan Kediri, Kabupaten Tabanan. Jaraknya sekitar 13 km ke arah barat kota Tabanan. Dari Bandar udara Ngurah Rai dapat ditempuh dalam waktu kurang lebih 1 jam dengan kendaraan bermotor jika tidak terjadi kemacetan.

Pura Tanah Lot Bali

Pura Tanah Lot
Dibangun pada dua tempat yang berbeda. Satu terletak di atas bongkahan batu besar, dan satunya lagi terletak di atas tebing yang menjorok ke laut mirip dengan Pura Uluwatu. Tebing inilah yang menghubungkan pura dengan daratan dan bentuknya melengkung seperti jembatan.Pura Tanah Lot merupakan bagian dari Pura Kahyangan Jagat di Bali, sebagai tempat memuja dewa penjaga laut. Pura Tanah Lot akan kelihatan dikelilingi air laut  pada saat air laut pasang. Di bawahnya terdapat goa kecil yang didalamnya ada beberapa ular laut, yang mempunyai ciri-ciri berekor pipih seperti ikan, berwarna hitam berbelang kuning.
Menurut cerita ular laut tersebut adalah jelmaan dari selendang perdiri pura, yaitu seorang Brahmana dari Jawa yang mengembara ke Bali. Beliau adalah Dang Yang Nirartha. Ular itu diutus sebagai ular penjaga pura ini.
Dari tempat parkir menuju pura Tanah Lot, banyak terdapat toko yang menjual berbagai barang kerajinan khas Bali. Misalnya patung, lukisan, kain pantai, pernak – pernik, dan aksesoris seperti di pasar seni Sukawati Bali. Selain itu terdapat pedagang makanan dan minuman dan penyewaan kamar kecil atau toilet. Harganya pun relatif murah untuk wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara.

Tanah Lot Bali – Salah Satu Tempat Wisata Favorit Di Bali

Tanah Lot adalah obyek wisata terkenal di pulau Bali favorit wisatawan. Dengan pemandangan indah pantai dan matahari terbenam sekitar pukul 6 sore.
Disepanjang jalan menuju tempat wisata Tanah Lot, banyak terdapat penginapan. Mulai dari penginapan sederhana, hingga villa dan hotel berbintang. Tempat wisata di Bali ini, sangat ramai dikunjungi wisatawan pada sore hari.
Pemandangan indah pantai dan matahari terbenam dapat dinikmati sekitar pukul 6 sore.  Ada juga beberapa hotel yang dekat dengan pantai di sekitar tempat wisata Tanah Lot, yang mengelar berbagai acara di malam hari. Misalnya pertunjukan tari Kecak, sunset dinner, dan pesta pernikahan.
Tempat wisata ini, juga sering menjadi salah satu lokasi foto pre wedding di Bali bagi wisatawan yang memilih pulau Bali sebagai lokasi favorit foto pre wedding di Bali.
sunset tanah lot bali

Cara Terbaik Wisata Tanah Lot Dan Sekitarnya

Saranan transfortasi umum untuk wisata ke Tanah lot dan daerah sekitarnya akan susah anda cari, apalagi anda menginap di tempat wisata Kuta. Lalau bagaimana cara terbaik untuk liburan ke Tanah Lot, agar nyaman dan aman?
Jika anda menginap di kawasan wisata Ubud atau Kuta, menggunakan taksi akan membuat biaya transfortasi anda membengkak, cara terbaik adalah menggunakan jasa sewa mobil murah di Bali dengan supir. Ada alasan kenapa kami mengatakan, menggunakan jasa sewa mobil murah di Bali dengan supir, lebih hemat biaya, nyaman dan aman.
Sistem rental di jasa sewa mobil + driver di Bali, menggunakan durasi minimum 10 jam dalam  satu hari. Anda dapat menyewa termasuk bahan bakar atau dengan bahan bakar, tentunya harga rental akan berbeda.
Sebagai contoh, anda menggunakan sewa mobil Toyota Avanza dengan supir di Bali, biaya sewanya adalah Rp 300.000 / 10 jam non bensin, dengan bensin menjadi Rp 450.000 / 10 jam. Jika anda menggunakan taksi, waktu taksi menunggu anda di Tanah Lot, argo meter tetap jalan dan biaya taksi menjadi jauh lebih mahal dari pada menggunakan jasa sewa mobil dan driver di Bali.
Bagi anda yang tidak ingin ribet saat liburan di Bali dan benar-benar ingin menikmati liburan tanpa memikirkan atau mengurus pembayaran parkir, tiket masuk ke objek wisata, biaya bahan bakar serta biaya makan. Maka kami sarankan anda saat liburan ke Bali untuk membeli paket wisata di Bali. Salah satu paket wisata liburan ke Tanah Lot yang kami sediakan, dapat anda lihat di link ini, Paket Tanah Lot Tour.
Kami Wira Tour Travel Bali, selalu siap membantu anda dalam menyediakan sewa mobil murah di Bali dengan supir dan sewa mobil mewah di Bali, untuk mengantar anda liburan ke tempat wisata di Bali yang anda suka. Jika anda memerlukan petunjuk arah untuk mencapai lokasi Tanah Lot, silakan gunakan peta di bawah atau dengan cara mengklik link ini untuk melihat peta Lokasi Tanah Lot Lebih Besar.