is toxic shock syndrome?
What is toxic shock
A rare form of sepsis,
bacterial toxins harmful diseases caused by toxic shock syndrome. The cause of
this syndrome is a group A- streptococci often, but Staphylococcus aureus toxic
The disease is
associated with the use of level / pad for menstrual tampons. In addition,
because many manufacturers have menstrual toxic shock syndrome fell below
market levels by dragging women tampon product.
toxic shock syndrome
often do?
Both men and women can
cause, suffer from skin and lung toxic shock syndrome caused by neck and spinal
damage or infection. Women are more susceptible to infections during the
menstrual period. To reduce the risk factors that may limit the disease. Please
consult your doctor for more information.
What are the signs and
symptoms of toxic shock syndrome?
Symptoms Staphylococcus
aureus, (usually up to 39 ° C), sudden fever, chills, muscle aches, vomiting,
diarrhea, thirst, tachycardia, rash, skin irritation, such as muscle weakness,
headache, dizziness, including hypotension.
Symptoms of strep toxic
shock syndrome as well, beating and breathing, dizziness, weakness flicker
occurs is difficult to breathe. Wound infection, can become red and swollen
kidneys and liver dysfunction.
Some symptoms such as
symptoms may not appear at the top. If you feel uncomfortable about these
symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
Do I need my doctor?
This syndrome is
important to remember that this is due to a life threatening addiction. Please
contact your doctor if:
• Probably as soon as
the symptoms of toxic shock syndrome is treatable and fatal exceptions, very
rapid growth
• V-shaped wound
• While fever and rash
behavior, especially during menstruation, tampon use, or recent experience in
What is the cause of
toxic shock syndrome?
StaphylococApcus aureus
bacteria, the cause is. Syndrome, membrane and tampons, use of contraceptive
sponge, is associated with birth control.
The second form of
scratches, friction, herpes, chicken pox, and how the body through broken skin
caused by streptococcus bacteria maturation, after surgery or due to the input
These risk factors
What increases the risk
of toxic shock syndrome?
In other words, there
are several factors that increase the risk of toxic shock syndrome.
• wounds and burns
• Thesis
• Use a sponge,
diaphragm or absorbent pads
Such as flu or
chickenpox, • viral infection
Drag and constraints
This information can
not replace medical advice for him. You should consult your doctor.
What is the preferred
treatment for toxic shock syndrome?
early diagnosis and
treatment at the hospital is very important. It is often a complication of
kidney failure, including the hands and feet of some separation, loss of hair
and nails, congestive heart failure and respiratory failure.
Doctor, intravenous
fluids and antibiotics will be available to patients in the hospital.
Respiratory disease may require oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation.
washer, may be useful in renal kidney disease.
The disease does not
attack healthy body, we have to live on a regular basis. That's all, thanks.
Has passed since the
initial risk, the patient can control the symptoms of the required amount has,
however, still possible antibiotic treatment at home. This slow relaxation and
daily activities again is the most important. We drank a lot of water trapped
in a balanced and nutritional value, balanced diet.
The history of the
doctor, the symptoms. To diagnose the disease in which the blood test and the
actual test, however, a single test that can not be diagnosed in a total
syndrome. To find an infection, it is necessary to provide blood and urine
samples. Samples to be analyzed are likely to shoot in the cervix.
toxic shock syndrome
can be subject to CT for example, due to find that you run ,,, doctor examine
various organs broad spread of disease, X-ray or other liquids is influenced by
the period of life.
Nursing homes
Changes in lifestyle
and home remedies that can be done to deal with toxic shock syndrome?
lifestyle and home
relief, you can solve the toxic shock syndrome, such as:
• Frequent changes as
tampons / pads
• Take proper dosage of
• Wash hands thoroughly
before inserting tampons. bacterial skin, especially the hands
• Toxic shock syndrome,
please note that there is a possibility of relapse. infected patients can take
each other on
If you have any
questions, please contact the optimal solution to the problem with your doctor.
Should we live with
regularly so that the disease can not attack our bodies healthy. Hopefully this
article helpful. thank you